We are on a fact-finding mission. We want to find and share information about BC’s economy – where it is now and where it’s heading. In particular, we want to examine the role of responsible economic development in building long-term prosperity on BC’s west coast. We are also curious about the risks to responsible development, in particular the impacts of fossil fuel transport through our province. Lastly, we hope to highlight practical ways that the business community is protecting and growing our region’s liveability, natural beauty and spirit of innovation.
*NEW → What’s Fuelling Our Economy: Is Kinder Morgan’s Proposed Pipeline Inconsistent with New Economic Trends and Realities?
The federal government has been faced with a difficult decision on whether or not to invest in the Kinder Morgan pipeline.
With that in mind, this report looks at current data to determine which industries are growing and which are on the decline. Where can we most expect job creation and grow our economy into the future?
*NEW → Analysis: The Global Significance of a New Kinder Morgan Pipeline
In light of recent national climate targets, this analysis looks at the effect that the proposed Kinder Morgan pipeline would have on emissions goals and the impact to climate change around the world.
Economic Impact of the Vancouver Bunker Oil Spill

On April 9, 2015 a bulk grain carrier leaked 2,700 litres of bunker oil into English Bay, the body of water that borders Vancouver’s urban center, resulting in closed beaches and fishing areas.
This report explores whether or not the oil spill had any direct effect on the economic activities that rely on the health of this particular body of water.
Is BC Poised to be the Next Tech Hot Spot?
BC’s high tech sector is a key driver of the provincial economy. Now, while the sector is still young, is the most important time to be asking questions and thinking critically about how to shape it for the better.
This report looks at current data and interviews over a dozen local leaders across the tech sector to determine trends, potential, and recommendations for support of the industry.
What’s fuelling BC’s economy: Examining the role of the energy sector in comparison with BC’s other economic drivers 
How important is the energy sector to BC, and is it more or less important than other sectors? We’ve compiled this report to examine data such as which sector employs more people and contributes more to GDP in order to determine BC’s main economic drivers.
The Changing Face of Jobs in
Northern BC (May 2014)
How important are resource jobs to BC’s north? After posting a report highlighting that more people in our province work in the tech sector than in oil, gas, mining, forestry and utilities combined, we examined what the same data looks like in BC’s interior and northern communities.
How do pipeline spills impact property values? (December 2013)
Using academic studies, government reports, legal testimony and investigative reports alongside analysis from experts in the real estate field, this report examines the ways in which oil spills can impact home values and the broader real estate market.
Assessing the risks of the proposed new Kinder Morgan pipeline (February 2013)
This report attempts to answer key questions about the economic, health and environmental risks of the proposed Trans Mountain pipeline. What would it mean for people and businesses on Canada’s west coast if Vancouver became a major oil exporting port? Who will this project benefit and who will it put at risk?
How do oil spills impact tourism?
This short report explores the impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the tourism industry in the Gulf of Mexico, particularly focusing on direct impacts to the seafood and hospitality sectors and on small businesses across sectors.
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